Asterra Lights the Night for Leukemia Treatment

Each of us know of someone who has been diagnosed with or affected by a cancer of some sort. It’s a sad fact of life. An estimated combined total of 156,420 people in the US are expected to be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma in 2014. These diseases alter people’s entire lives, leaving their loved ones in emotional and financial turmoil. The Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS) exists not only to fund research efforts to find cures for leukemia and lymphoma, but also to bring treatment centers closer to patients, decreasing the financial and mental strain that can come with these diseases. One of LLS’s biggest fundraising efforts, the Light the Night Walk, brings local companies and individuals together to raise awareness and for vital fundraising. The money raised during the Light the Night Walk will go toward providing patients with support services, advocacy for life saving treatments and the most promising cancer research anywhere.

Asterra Properties is a proud supporter of the efforts of LLS and are thrilled to announce that our team was able to raise over $5,600 in donations for LLS’s 2014 Light the Night Walk last Saturday evening, making Team Asterra one of the top fundraising companies in Austin for this year’s walk.

Light The Night gets its name from the lanterns that walkers hold while participating in the walk. During the event, participants proudly carry lanterns and walk a path around Lake Mueller Park, resulting in a beautiful array of moving lights in the night air. These lanterns are in the colors red, white and gold, honoring supporters, survivors and in memory of those we’ve lost. The goal of LLS and Light the Night is to provide a shining light in the darkness that is cancer.

Last year’s Light the Night Walk generated enough funds to bring the first Blood Cancer Treatment Center to Austin, at St. David’s Hospital. This now allows leukemia and lymphoma patients residing in Austin to receive blood transplants in their home city, as opposed to traveling or relocating to San Antonio. Asterra Properties has a long history of supporting worthy organizations such as LLS and this is another example of that commitment.

The good news is, it’s not too late to help. Please visit the Asterra- Light the Night website at to read more and to make a generous and appreciated contribution.

We would like to thank everyone who donated to Team Asterra, and look forward to lighting the night next year!

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